I Just Can’t Stop!

I got this one for myself for my birthday as well.  My love of Dinosaur Comics is directly attributable to Kevin Wolf, the scoundrel.  Justin complains that there is an awful lot of text to get through in order to enjoy Dino Comics, and I tend to agree.  But I have never been disappointed (much) by a DC punchline.  This text-heavy webcomic is probably best for voracious readers like me…I don't mind that I have to read for minutes to get to a funny.  And T-Rex is just so friggin' hilarious!  Sigh. 

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Yet Again, Dinosaur Comics READS MY MIND

That's right, my favorite webcomic is pure gold!

(Hidden message from Dino Comics: "That was a real tip from a real book I flipped through.  The book also said that if you're a girl, then you should wear a dangley necklace and play with it, because then it will draw the guy's attention to your BREASTS.  It's a great tip, because otherwise guys wouldn't even notice them!  On account of how they're too busy checking out your personality?")

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