Mondays Always Bring New Dinosaur Comics, And That Makes Me Happy

Kevin is right: I am totally obsessed with Dinosaur Comics. But that doesn't mean it's not funny.  Because it's great!  And I feel like today's was especially funny.


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11 thoughts on “Mondays Always Bring New Dinosaur Comics, And That Makes Me Happy

  1. Kevin Wolf says:

    I converted to Buddhism 2 ten seconds after reading this comic.

  2. SweetMisery says:

    yah dinocomics…….love it.

  3. Sara says:

    Kev, I think Buddhism 2 was invented just for you.

  4. Kevin Wolf says:

    Dinosaur Comics is such a great comic that: every time I read a really good one, I want to start my own rip-off version of it. That, friends, is a hallmark of quality.

  5. Sara says:

    HA! T-Rex would probably try to open his own Hallmark of Quality Store. It would sell things like Gameboys, and Jane Austen Fishsticks, and Sequels.

  6. Sara says:

    Also, car chases, during which the two main characters yell at each other and then smooch in the middle.

  7. Kevin Wolf says:

    I've been wanting to write a movie featuring that scene ever since I read that one.

  8. Sara says:

    That would be awesome? And also sexy!

  9. Always Ann says:

    you know what you should read…. i dont know if you would like it or not… i love it and i wake up to it every morning (mon-sat)www.leasticoulddo.comand their funny as hell (if you are into video games) spin off (only mon and thurs)

  10. Gives A Hoot says:

    Bwah! I read the whole thing in that announcer "one maaaan…" voice they always have, hee. 🙂

  11. Sara says:

    Scarlett, that is just perfect!

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